Tuesday 18 April 2017

April 18, 2017

Dear parents,

Today we:

- began with the POW
- we worked on our spelling pre-test for the POW
- we did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with a group of students
- we worked on our Passion Projects (please ask your child what they are focussing on)
- we then went to French

After lunch we:

- had a discussion about the Federal Government and if they have the right to tell small businesses when they can open and when they should close. This was based on an article in the Star. Please ask your child "what side of the fence" they are on.
- we then reviewed Division and worked in our JUMP Math workbooks on this concept
- after recess we worked on our unique "Mixed Up Chameleon" artwork as part of our focus on integration, Autism Speaks and Pink Shirt Day. 
- we then tidied up for home

- Read for 20 minutes

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