Monday 1 May 2017

May 1, 2017

Happy May!

Dear Parents,

Today we:

- worked on our new Poem of the Week 
- we read to self while I conferenced individually with students about their reading (please ask what they are focusing on C, A, F, or E). 
- we then read a Biography of Malala 
- we then saw two videos related to Malala and worked on reading comprehension questions around her life

After recess, we:
- had a lesson on money and adding money amounts, making sure that the decimals align. 
- we worked in our JUMP Math books on this concept and I went around conferencing with students about their math understanding
- we had Library 
- we ended our day with Gym

- read for 20 minutes
- Poem of the Week
- EQAO work for Grade 3s

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