Wednesday 7 December 2016

December 7th, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we began our day with Read to Self while I conferenced with several students. We then went to Gym where we played Badminton and then to French.

After lunch, we worked on the Problem of the Week. The problem was: "A cyclist rides 225 m in a minute.  How long does it take to travel 15 km?" This was a tricky problem. Eventually we had a Math Congress where we solved this problem together. We then played Prodigy Math. After we worked on our Social Studies centers. During our Guided Reading sessions (in the morning) we have learned about Early Societies (Grade 4) and how they wrote. For Grade 3 we looked at literature about life in Canada in the early days and how log cabins were built by the Pioneers. Therefore, for Social Studies centers we focused on calligraphy for Grade 4 and building a log cabin for Grade 3s. Please ask your child about this.

Reading for 20 minutes

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