Friday 9 December 2016

December 9, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we had our Poem of the Week test and then worked on Read to Self. We then took up our answers to the Syrian Refugee reading we did yesterday and began another story about blindness and new technology available to help people with vision impairments. We will take up the answers on Monday. We then went to French.

After lunch we went to Ms. Xavier's room and had a quick lesson on Coding for the Hour of Code. At 1:00, we then began our Hour of Code! We had a fantastic time coding. Please ask your child about this. You can try this at home using the website We then debriefed our learning. Students said:
"I worked well with my partner."
"I followed the success criteria."
"I helped others."
"I persevered."
"I had lots of fun!"
"Sometimes coding is hard and sometimes it's easy."
"You don't learn from giving up."
"I had to read the instructions."
There was lots of great learning about math, literacy, computer science and creativity, as well as the social learning of cooperation, teamwork and perseverance. Way to go Room 201!!!

Reading for 20 minutes
Have a nice weekend!!!

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