Monday 27 February 2017

February 27, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we:

- started with the Grammar Poem of the Week focussing on conjunctions and run-on sentences
- Read to Self while I conferenced with the Grade 3s on their EQAO homework from last week (we went over the answers)
- Gym (basketball and dodge, then Octopus!!)
- French

After lunch we:

- continued our work on Geometry by looking at the faces of the shapes, vertices, and number of edges of 3D shapes
- we worked on our Bake Sale posters and announcements for Friday's Bake Sale (all proceeds will go to the Quebec Mosque tragedy)

- Read for 20 minutes
- Poem of the Week
- James and the Giant Peach play (tomorrow) -- BRING A LUNCH!!!
- Bake Sale on Friday

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