Wednesday 30 November 2016

November 30, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we had our Science Centre trip! We had an excellent time learning about Rocks and Minerals in our morning workshop. After lunch we explored the Science Centre and all of its exhibits, including a new one on Weather. 

Please ask your child the following questions:

1) What mineral is in baby powder? (Talc)
2) How do you test a minerals "hardness?" (fingernail, penny, nail)
3) What is the name of a fossil they saw today? (Trilobyte)
4) What characteristics does a meteor have? (dimples, magnetic, heavy, black)
5) What is a scratch test? (a test to see what kind of mineral it is)

Read for 20 minutes
Poem of the Week (test tomorrow)
Pyjama day tomorrow!!

Monday 28 November 2016

November 28, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week. We looked at the rhyming words and the meaning of the poem. We then did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with a group of students. For writing, we worked on our Journals today. 

After lunch, we had Daily Physical Activity (DPA) and then went inside to do a measurement lesson. We measured our heights and graphed the results in a bar graph. Students will re-measure themselves in June to see how much they have grown. We then went to our Student of the Month assembly on Empathy. We came back and finished any work that was not complete (graph, writing, etc). 

Read for 20 minutes
REMINDER: Science Center trip on Wednesday

Friday 25 November 2016

November 25, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we had our POW spelling test. Please look in your child's bag for the test as well as some art that is coming home. We did Guided Reading today while others Read to Self. We then continued to work on our Biographies of famous women as we approach December 6th. The biographies are shaping up nicely. We then went to French. 

After lunch, we had four math centers that we rotated through: iPad math (Prodigy), a building center, chess center and then a dice game center (SKUNK). Please ask your child about this. We then went to Library and had Gym. 

Reading for 20 minutes
Field Trip on Wednesday

Thursday 24 November 2016

November 24, 2016

Hello parents,

We started our day with the POW and then went straight into Read to Self while I did Guided Reading. We  then did the work on biographies of famous women. We then went to French.

After lunch we had a fabulous workshop from Food Share based on our Garden Tower. Please ask your child about this. We did DPA and then we did Math to end our day.

Read for 20 minutes

November 23, 2016

G'day parents!

Today we began our day with Aussie X Cricket! We had an enjoyable morning learning about the game of Cricket. Please ask your child to show you what they learned! Please also ask them what the following statements mean:

"You little ripper!"
"Good on you mate!"
"Good day mate!"

After lunch, students worked on an Anti-Bullying campaign. This was in response to a few concerns I had with the way some students were talking to each other. Please ask your child about this. We then did Math Prodigy games. 

Read for 20 minutes
Thursday: Pink Shirt Day (for anti-bullying)

Wednesday 23 November 2016

November 22, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we reviewed our Poem of the Week, talking about the images in the poem and they rhyming scheme again. We then moved on to Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with a group of students. We are focusing on Social Studies in our Guided Reading groups to gain greater knowledge of the eras we are studying. We then began a new writing project on Female biographies leading up to December 6th, which is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. We are working in partners to create a short biography of an important female writer, athlete, filmmaker, teacher, artist, explorer, or first nations person. Our work will be displayed in the foyer. We then went to French. 

After lunch, we went to the Daniels Spectrum theatre to see six short films. They were amazing. Please ask your son or daughter about the films and which one they thought was the best and why. We came back from the theatre and discussed our favourite one. We then got ready for the end of the day. 

Read for 20 minutes
Thursday is Pink Shirt Day (anti-bullying)

Monday 21 November 2016

November 21, 2016

Good evening parents!

Today we began our day with the POW. We looked at reciting the poem together and then we looked at the rhyming scheme. Please talk with your child about this. We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students and then we worked on the Journal writing. We then went to French. 

After lunch we began a new unit: Measurement. I asked students what we have recently measured. The answer was ... our lives! We can use years as a unit of measure. We can also use days and months. We can use millimeters, centimeters, and kilometers. We can use kilograms and grams, and liters and milliliters. We then went over how to use a ruler and measured several items to make sure we were measuring properly. We then practiced this concept in our JUMP math book. After recess, we worked with Ms. Jean on our Ecosystems diorama. A diorama is a 3D art piece based on our Science topic of Habitats and Plants. Students are working in groups to make an Ecosystem based on the animal or plant they researched. 

Read for 20 minutes
Thursday is Pink Shirt Day
JUMP Math pages 95-97 (Grade 3) and pages 97-98 (Grade 4)

Thursday 17 November 2016

November 17, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with the POW test. Results will be given on Monday. We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. During these conferences I listen to their reading, ask them questions about what they are reading, make suggestions for other books and we generally talk about how they think of their reading. This is a time to reiterate reading strategies and pulling out deeper meaning from their personal reading. We then did our Journal writing and worked on our "All About Me" projects. We then went to French.

After lunch, we had our first Yoga session with Rochelle. We did several breathing exercises and some entry level yoga poses. We then went to Library after recess and then Gym. 

REMINDER: Tomorrow is a PA Day so there is no school

Reading for 20 minutes
Science Center permission forms

Tuesday 15 November 2016

November 15, 2016

Good evening parents,

Today we worked on the POW by rereading it and looking at the rhyming scheme. We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. After recess we began working on the good copy of our Autobiography reports. We had a lice check by the nurse and then went to French.

After lunch we worked on adding and subtracting using regrouping. We then worked on our Autobiography reports for the rest of the afternoon. 

Read for 20 minutes
POW (due Thursday)
Interview schedule sent home

Monday 14 November 2016

November 14, 2016

Good afternoon parents,

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week and going over the meaning of the poem. Last week's POW was handed out so please look in your child's bag for the results. We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. After recess we went to Gym and began Badminton lessons. We then went to French.

After lunch, we went through our Math test. We then worked on subtraction with regrouping, keeping in mind that we are all at different levels in our understanding of that concept. We then went over our Timeline project and each shared our photos. It was interesting to see students sharing what they had in common and what each of them looked like when they were small. We also began Social Studies with a title page today. 

Reading for 20 minutes
Poem of the Week
Report Cards will go home on Thursday

Friday 11 November 2016

November 11, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began with a discussion around Remembrance Day. We then did our POW test for "In Flanders Fields." We did Read to Self while I conferenced with students.

After recess, we went to our lovely Remembrance Day ceremony. Several of Room 201's students were part of the choir and it was a beautiful event. 

After lunch, we did our Math test and then played Math games. We then finished our report writing while the rest of the students went down to the library to work on "Worldvuze." Worldvuze is a forum to ask other classrooms around the world a question or to answer a question from a classroom around the world. Please ask your child if they were a part of this. 

* Read for 20 minutes
* Please send in the parent-teacher interview form with your three preferences for times for interviews (thank you to those who have already sent it in!)

Thursday 10 November 2016

November 10th, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with a discussion based on the Poem of the Week. We further clarified vocabulary in the poem and then set off to do our Read to Self. I did Guided Reading with one small group of students today. We then worked on our Journals after recess, focusing on spelling and using the hamburger paragraph as our model for good writing. We then went to French.

After lunch, we finished up some work from this morning and then we had an introduction to our Yoga instructor, Rochelle. We found out about each other and made agreements for how our Yoga sessions would run. After recess, we went to Library and then came back to class and cleaned up for the evening. 

A math review was handed out for Grade 3 and 4 students. It is one page of addition and subtraction questions (with regrouping) to practice for tomorrow's math test. Please work with your child on this. It is for practice only -- it does not have to be handed in. 

Indigenous Veterans Remembrance Day Medal 

Read for 20 minutes
POW (test tomorrow)
Math test tomorrow on adding and subtracting with regrouping
Timeline due Friday
Battery Blitz (final day is tomorrow)

Wednesday 9 November 2016

November 9th, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with community circle, discussing a few housekeeping items. We had our Greenwood volunteers in reading to several students this morning while other students were Reading to Self. We then moved on to reading about Indigenous Veterans in remembrance of their service during WWI, WWII and the Korean War. After a discussion about the article we read, we worked on creating a war medal for Indigenous veterans. We had to stop our work and go to French. 

After lunch we worked on today's math problem. The problem was "About how many days have you been in school? Tell how you estimated. Tell what mathematical operations you used." We then continued working on our Indigenous veterans medal (and explanation of the medal) and then on our Science reports. If students were finished, they then worked on Prodigy.

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due Friday)
Battery Blitz
Yoga form (due tomorrow)
MATH TEST FRIDAY (adding and subtracting with regrouping)

Friday 4 November 2016

November 4, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we had a very busy day!

We began with our POW test. We then moved into Read to Self and conferenced with students. We then had our last fire drill of 2016! After recess we worked on our Journal writing and then went to French. 

After lunch did Math Game Centres. Today one of the centres was building with shapes and another was counting and sorting the batteries in the Battery Blitz box. We have 162 used batteries! Please ask your child about this and how they sorted the material. 

Our math tally sheet for the Battery Blitz!

Our battery haul!

We then moved on to our Science projects. We are working on reports on either Animals (Grade 4) or Plants (Grade 3). We also had Ms. Xavier's class come in and test the pH of the Garden tower. Please see yesterday's post regarding the progress of the Garden tower. 

- Read for 20 minutes
- Timeline project (due November 11th)
- Battery Blitz

Thursday 3 November 2016

November 3, 2016

Hello parents,

We began our day by recapping the Poem of the Week. We then moved on to Read to Self while I conferenced with students about yesterday's journal writing. We then worked on our Reading Responses to "Charlotte's Web." We then went to French.

In the afternoon, we had a lesson on subtracting with regrouping for Grade 3s and some problem solving using addition and subtraction for Grade 4s. We then had Library and Gym. 

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due November 11th)
Battery Blitz

Wednesday 2 November 2016

November 2, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week and a class discussion. We then moved on to Read to Self while I conferenced with students individually. We then moved on to Journal Writing, focussing on the Hamburger paragraph (opening sentence, detail #1, detail #2, detail #3, and a closing sentence). We then had French. 

After lunch we did Math Problem Solving. After the Math Congress (where we meet to discuss how we solved the problem and the different strategies we used) we had our Math Prodigy time. After recess we had Drama. 

Read for 20 minutes
Battery Blitz

November 1, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we did our Shared Reading of the Poem of the Week. We then did Read to Self while I worked in small groups with students regarding Internal and External Character Traits. We worked on the book "Charlotte's Web" and the three main characters: Wilbur, Charlotte and Fern. 

We then went to French. 

After recess, we finished yesterday's movie and then had a math lesson on subtracting with regrouping (Grade 4) and subtracting without regrouping (Grade 3). We then worked in our JUMP math workbooks on this concept. After recess, we worked on our Plant or Animal expert research project. Today we worked on writing up their report on their animal or plant. At the end of the day, we did DPA. 

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due November 11th)
Permission form for CBC filming 
Battery Blitz (please bring in used batteries)