Wednesday 2 November 2016

November 1, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we did our Shared Reading of the Poem of the Week. We then did Read to Self while I worked in small groups with students regarding Internal and External Character Traits. We worked on the book "Charlotte's Web" and the three main characters: Wilbur, Charlotte and Fern. 

We then went to French. 

After recess, we finished yesterday's movie and then had a math lesson on subtracting with regrouping (Grade 4) and subtracting without regrouping (Grade 3). We then worked in our JUMP math workbooks on this concept. After recess, we worked on our Plant or Animal expert research project. Today we worked on writing up their report on their animal or plant. At the end of the day, we did DPA. 

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due November 11th)
Permission form for CBC filming 
Battery Blitz (please bring in used batteries)

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