Monday 31 October 2016

October 31st, 2016

Happy Halloween parents!

Today we did our Poem of the Week. We went over it together and then read it with a partner. We did our spelling pre-test with our partner and then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. After recess we had Gym. Today was the culmination of many Gym lessons on basketball skills -- we finally got to play a basketball game!! It was wonderful to watch their skill level at handling, dribbling and passing the basketball. We then had French. 

After lunch we watched a movie and partied!! After recess we worked on STEAM questions for an upcoming filming by CBC at Nelson Mandela Park PS. Please check your child`s bag for further details and a permission form. 

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due November 11)
STEAM Question and permission form (due WEDNESDAY)

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