Tuesday 18 October 2016

October 18, 2016

Hello parents!

I was at an Eco-Schools workshop this morning, so I cannot report what happened in the morning. Please ask your child -- I met the supply teacher and she was awesome!

After lunch we had a math lesson on regrouping (Grade 4) and Greater than and Less than (Grade 3). We then practiced this concept in our JUMP Math books. 
Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Anchor Chart:
An example of the anchor chart I began with the Grade 3s. 

After recess we looked at and drew a spider and then labelled the part of a spider. This relates to our work with "Charlotte's Web" and our unit of study in Science. 
Please try and label with your child to see if they remember the parts of a spider. 

After that we went outside for Daily Physical Activity. 

Read for 20 minutes
POW (please practice "Whisky Frisky")

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