Friday 28 October 2016

October 28, 2016

Good evening parents,

Today we had our Poem of the Week Spelling test. Results will be shared on Monday. We then did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading and then individual conferences with children. After recess we looked at an example of a timeline. The timeline was of Rosa Parks. We discussed what it looked like (date on time, brief but important information on the bottom, and relevant pictures). I then began my own timeline with my date of birth. Students were then given a timeline assignment (please check your child's bag) and we filled in the first event: their birth. This assignment is due on November 11th. Please go over it with your child this weekend. Thanks! 

After lunch we played Math games (chess) and finished up our pumpkin art in the style of Romero Britto. We worked on our Art Portfolios. The pumpkin art is displayed outside of the classroom near our Terry Fox timeline should you wish to see it. 

A selection of Room 201's pumpkin art...

After recess we then had a party for a student who is leaving our classroom. 

Read for 20 minutes
Battery Blitz (please bring in any used batteries lying around the house)
Timeline assignment

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