Friday 14 October 2016

October 14, 2016

Hello parents,

Thanks to those who were able to make it out last night! I enjoyed meeting you!

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week test. Results will be given Monday. We then had a lesson on "Listening to Reading." The Grade 3s had an opportunity to practice using "Epic" which is an online reading app. Please ask your child about this and the books that are available on this app. All other students were practicing Read to Self. After recess we continued with our Terry Fox research and added more information to our class timeline. Please ask your child about the Terry Fox fact they came up with. Students then went to French. 

After lunch we had a conversation about ability and determination. Please ask your child about the friend I went to lunch with who had a stroke in June. His story is very inspiring to me and I hope it was inspiring to your child too. We then worked on Khan Academy and reviewed concepts of Place Value. Students worked in groups on computers to do this. After recess we finished our Spider Web art.  

Read 20 minutes
Study for the Math test on Monday 
Grade 3 -- study pages 28 to 41 from JUMP Math
Grade 4 -- study pages 22-38 from JUMP Math

Thank you!

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