Thursday 20 October 2016

October 20, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week and looking at punctuation (commas, periods and exclamations). We then did Read to Self and Listen to Reading (ask your child about their Epic account and if it was their iPad day) while I conferenced with students. After recess we then read more about Terry with the fabulous book written by Douglas Coupland. In it, there are beautiful and rare images of Terry and his personal items. Please ask your child about the book and what they learned today. We then went to French. 

After recess, I started with Grade 3s and we went over a lesson on Greater than, Less than and Equal to. I sent them to do their work in JUMP while I met with the Grade 4s about yesterday's Problem Solving. We went over the answer together, clarified our understanding and I sent the Grade 4s to fix their errors. I then asked the Grade 3s to meet and we discussed our Problem Solving and we clarified our understanding. I then sent the Grade 3s to fix up their work. While students were working I worked with one group on the Garden Tower. We checked the pH of the water and discovered that it was 4.5. Our Garden Tower's pH must be between 5.5 and 6.5, so we added a pH+ solution and retested the water. We looked for signs of infestation and checked the base for an overgrowth of roots. The Garden Tower is looking great and our lettuce, etc is close to harvest!! After recess we had Library and then Gym. 

Read for 20 minutes

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