Wednesday 5 October 2016

October 5, 2016

Hi parents!

Congratulations to all students who participated in today's Cross Country run!

We began our day with Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with groups of students. Again, please refer to yesterday's blog about what we did (non-fiction text features, summarizing text information using a sticky note). We then read "Charlotte's Web" while we had our snack. 

After recess we had a lesson on what a timeline looks like. So far, we have two dates on our Terry Fox timeline: his birth (1958) and his death (1981). I talked to students about how a timeline is generally read (from left to right) and how a timeline is divided up. We talked about where half of Terry's life would be located in the timeline. Where would 1/4 of Terry's life be located? 3/4? Tomorrow we will add facts to our timeline using jot notes from the story we are reading together. We then went to French.

Our blank Terry Fox timeline

After lunch, we did our Math Problem Solving (this occurs every Wednesday). We talked about our steps to problem solving: read, highlight, plan, solve. We then solved the problem and students checked in with me when they were done. Students then played Prodigy. 

Today's problem... Not sure why it is sideways!!

After recess we went down to the library for Team Teaching time with Ms. Jean. We worked using PebbleGo to come up with notes about our chosen plant or animal. Usernames and passwords are on the LearnMark provided in the first few weeks in school. 

It was a busy day of learning!!!

- Read for 20 minutes
- POW (due tomorrow)
- Choir form

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