Monday 3 October 2016

October 3, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with reciting the Poem of the Week entitled, "Autumn Wind." We did our spelling pre-test. Please read this over tonight with your child. I also handed back Friday's POW with their mark. Please ask your child about this. We then worked on Fiction VS Non-Fiction. There were several characteristics on index cards and students had to sort them under the Fiction or Non-Fiction category. They also had to justify why they thought that characteristic went under that category. We came up with the following:

After recess we did Read to Self while I conferenced with students individually about their writing as well as the characteristics of Non-Fiction texts in Guided Reading Groups. In Grade 3 and 4 my expectation for writing is as follows:

* I will write in full sentences
* I will use a capital at the beginning of my sentence and a period or punctuation at the end
* I will capitalize proper nouns
* I will write a paragraph consisting of 4 to 5 sentences
* I will write neatly and space my work so that it is legible
* I will underline any words that I do not know how to spell and will use a dictionary to help me spell those words after I have finished writing

We then went to French.

After lunch, I had a math lesson. For Grade 4s we learned about looking at differences between numbers and what place value the number was in. For instance, with the numbers 5678 and 5578, what number is different? What place value is it? How much is the difference between them? The answer is 100. For Grade 3s, we learned about "teen" numbers and what teen represents. I asked them what other word "teen" might look like (the word ten). Therefore the number 13 is really ten + 3. I then spoke about how the Japanese number system words. Please ask your child about this.

We then learned about the Steps to Research and how to write jot notes using the Plant Expert or Animal Expert outline I gave them. Students then worked on writing notes under each heading.

Reading for 20 minutes
Grade 4 -- page 34 JUMP
Grade 3 -- page 35-37 JUMP

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