Friday 30 September 2016

September 30, 2016

Hello parents,

It's Friday! We celebrated Orange T-Shirt day by wearing our orange bracelets. We also had our Terry Fox run at 10:15! What a great way to get exercise and have fun!!

We had our Poem of the Week test today. Please make sure that you are studying the spelling words with your child and practicing fluency (reading smoothly like we are talking). Thank you! After our POW test we practiced Read to Self. 

After lunch, students were tasked with a "Number of Day" activity. We chose the number 30. They had to represent the number in several different ways. For an example, see here:

We then worked on our cursive writing while the Grade 3s finished up their testing. They are finally done!! 

After recess we had Activity Time to round out our week together. 

- Reading 20 minutes

Thank you! 

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