Monday 26 September 2016

September 26, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day by welcoming two turtles!!!! Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham for bringing in their turtle habitat for us to study this week.

We started our day with the Poem of the Week. We read it aloud as a class and did our spelling pre-test. We then did the Daily 5 "Read to Self" while I conferenced individually with students. We then ate snack and read a chapter of "Charlotte's Web." After recess we learned about Terry Fox. We began with what we know about Terry Fox (a lot!!) and then what we want to learn about him. We then read a book together on part of his life.

After lunch, we continued our new unit in Math: Number Sense. We used base ten material to represent and compose numbers. We then played a game with a base ten mat and playing cards. We then worked in our JUMP math workbooks. We had an assembly today for our Character Counts initiative for Respect. We then came back and did a drama activity using miming. Please ask your child about this.

- Read for 20 minutes
- Terry Fox run (Thursday morning)
- Food Share form
- Orange t-shirt day (Friday)
- Please bring in a pair of dollar store headphones in a ziplock bag with your child's name on it

Thank you!!!

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