Wednesday 21 September 2016

Welcome to Room 201!

Hello parents,

As a way to communicate our day, I have decided to start a blog post.

Today, we worked on our CAT-4 testing all morning. Just before French we read several chapters of "Charlotte's Web." We then went to French.
After lunch, we did our Math quiz and then had time to play Prodigy (an online math game) as a reward for our hard work. Please ask your child for their level. After recess we had a lesson tying "Charlotte's Web" to our Science strands: Plants (Grade 3) and Animal Habitats (Grade 4). Please ask your child what kind of habitat Wilbur lives in and get them to describe it.

- Read for 20 minutes
- Poem of the Week (please read it over together, get your child to practice the spelling words)
- Poem of the Week test on Friday

NB: Please bring in a pair of headphones (from the Dollar Store). Please make sure the headphones are in a plastic bag and are labelled with your child's name. These will be for "Listen to Reading" time.

Thank you!

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