Thursday 22 September 2016

September 22nd, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with the Daily 5 literacy program. Students practiced "Read to Self" while I conferenced individually with students about their reading. The "Read to Self" behaviours include: stay in one spot, read the whole time, choose a Good Fit book, and build stamina while reading. Please ask your child what they are reading. We then had snack and I read aloud "Charlotte's Web." We then had Gym where we practiced our ball skills using a basketball and then went to French.

After lunch we had a new lesson on place value. We are beginning our new unit on "Number Sense." While students were working on this concept, I conferenced individually with students about yesterday's quiz. Please check their bag for their quiz. Any corrections should be made on a separate piece of paper. 

For extra math practice based on today's lesson: 
Grade 4:
Grade 3:

We then learned about Natural Science. Today the Grade 4s worked on describing a farm habitat (what it looks like, feels like, sounds like) and the plant and animal populations within it. This relates to our read aloud of "Charlotte's Web." The Grade 3s had a lesson with me on carnivorous plants including the Venus Fly Trap. We then went over the parts of a plant and worked on a diagram. Please ask your child about this lesson.

Grade 3 extension:

Read for 20 minutes
Poem of the Week (test tomorrow) -- practice reading fluency
Food Share permission form
Please bring in a pair of headphones from the dollar store in a plastic bag marked with your child's name

Thank you!

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