Wednesday 28 September 2016

September 28, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with our community circle where we talk about current events. We spoke about tomorrow's Terry Fox run and why we are running. I encouraged children to bring in $1.00 as a donation which was Terry Fox's dream -- a dollar for every Canadian.

We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. We read one chapter of "Charlotte's Web" and then went for recess. After recess we did our Journal Writing and students were tasked with choosing which Journal entry they would like me to mark. After that the Grade 4s had French while the Grade 3s did their CCAT testing.

After lunch we had a lesson on Problem Solving. I use the following format for Problem Solving: Read, Highlight, Plan, Solve. Students were tasked with a math problem and got to solve it with a partner. We then had the Math Congress to discuss how we solved our problem and what strategies we used. After that, we played Prodigy. After recess we went to the library for Team Teaching with Ms. Jean. We had a story and lesson on Ecosystems using a rope. Please ask your child about this. We then began working on plant or animal research on a plant or animal of our choosing using books and resources from our library.

EXTENSION: You may choose a math problem from the following list to work with your child --

PLANT AND ANIMAL RESEARCH: Should you wish to find out more information about your child's plant or animal, please use PebbleGo or Encyclopedia Britannica. Please use the bookmark given to your child at the beginning of the year for usernames and passwords.

Read for 20 minutes
Terry Fox run Thursday am (Please bring in $1.00)
Food Share form
Orange T-Shirt Day is Friday
Please bring in a pair of headphones from the dollar store for use with the computers  

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