Tuesday 27 September 2016

September 27, 2016

Hello parents!

We had another productive day. 

The Grade 4s did their CASI reading assessment all morning. The Grade 3s did Poem of the Week work with me, silent reading while I helped students with their assessments, and they worked on other assignments. Because we have two turtles in the classroom, the Grade 3s worked on research and art associated with the turtles and their habitat. We then went to French.

After lunch, we learned about representing numbers in Expanded Form. In other words 3421 = 3000 + 400 + 20 + 1. They worked in their JUMP math workbooks and I conferenced with students who required extra support. Please see here for extensions to today's lesson: Khan Academy. We then had library and gym. 

- Reading for 20 minutes
- Practice the Poem of the Week
- Food Share form (if not already brought in)
- Terry Fox run (Thursday)
- Orange shirt day (Friday)
- Please bring in a pair of headphones from the dollar store for use with computers -- thank you!!

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