Wednesday 12 October 2016

October 12, 2016

Hello parents!

We had a busy day!

We began our day with Read to Self. I conferenced with students about the Setting and what that means in a story (where and when the story takes place). I worked in small groups through an activity around the setting of "Charlotte's Web." Students then completed a paragraph about the setting in the story. After recess, we worked on our Journals. I marked their journal writing and gave students descriptive feedback about how their individual writing could improve. Please talk to your child about this. We then went to French.

After lunch, students worked on quite a difficult problem. They had to use a t-chart in order to solve the problem. Again, we practiced: Read, Highlight, Plan, Solve. Students worked in pairs to solve the problem and we went over it as a class. After recess, we played Math games using the computers (Prodigy and CoolMathGames).

Read 20 minutes
Poem of the Week
Choir form
Math quiz FRIDAY

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