Monday 21 November 2016

November 21, 2016

Good evening parents!

Today we began our day with the POW. We looked at reciting the poem together and then we looked at the rhyming scheme. Please talk with your child about this. We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students and then we worked on the Journal writing. We then went to French. 

After lunch we began a new unit: Measurement. I asked students what we have recently measured. The answer was ... our lives! We can use years as a unit of measure. We can also use days and months. We can use millimeters, centimeters, and kilometers. We can use kilograms and grams, and liters and milliliters. We then went over how to use a ruler and measured several items to make sure we were measuring properly. We then practiced this concept in our JUMP math book. After recess, we worked with Ms. Jean on our Ecosystems diorama. A diorama is a 3D art piece based on our Science topic of Habitats and Plants. Students are working in groups to make an Ecosystem based on the animal or plant they researched. 

Read for 20 minutes
Thursday is Pink Shirt Day
JUMP Math pages 95-97 (Grade 3) and pages 97-98 (Grade 4)

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