Tuesday 10 January 2017

January 10, 2017

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with an article on the acknowledgement of the First Nations territories that we are on. We looked at determining importance and what were important facts in the story. We also had a long conversation about Residential schools and the impact of those schools. We used the following chart to help us determine what was important and what wasn't:

We then answered questions about the article in small groups. We then went to French. 

After lunch, we had a lesson in Perimeter and Area. We then reviewed yesterday's work (and corrected any mistakes we made) and finished other work in our JUMP math books. We will have a test on Friday on Perimeter and Area. We then went to Library and worked on our Ecosystem diorama. Finally, we read the book "Shi-Shi-Etko" about Residential schools to finish our day. 

Read for 20 minutes
Math Test Friday

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