Tuesday 24 January 2017

January 24, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today we began our day with the traits of a good squire. This is part of our learning about Medieval Times. Please ask you child what they must do to become a squire! We then did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with a small group of students. After recess I modeled the story mountain and we went through several examples of how the story mountain will help us outline our Adventure Stories. Students then set to work on doing their story mountain outline. We then went to French.

After lunch we reviewed yesterday's concept of a Survey. I asked why do we do surveys? What questions might you survey people about? How do you collect the data? How do you present the data? We then went back to our work from yesterday and corrected it, looking specifically at the bar graph and whether we followed the success criteria for the bar graph (x and y axis, labels, title, data is correct). We then created our own survey and students began to survey each other. After recess we had Library and then we had Gym where we continued our learning about hockey. 

Reading for 20 minutes
Poem of the Week (due Friday)

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