Monday 30 January 2017

January 30, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we began our day in a new way: with an Appreciation Activity! Each student was tasked with writing something nice to every other student in the class. The result was a beautiful paper filled with lovely sentiments about each other (e.g.: you are funny, kind, etc). Please ask your child about this. We then moved on to Read to Self. After recess we worked on a Reading Response using information from the text and our own ideas to support our answers. I will be looking over their answers tonight and discussing this with the students tomorrow. We then went to French.

After lunch we started our new unit on Geometry. We learned what the word Polygon means (poly = many and gon = sides) and how we can classify different shapes (by size, colour, number of sides, number of angles, etc). We then did some examples together and then students were sent off to work on this concept. At 1:20 we went and had a workshop by the National Ballet of Canada. On Friday we will be seeing a short performance done by the ballet at 12:45 at Daniels Spectrum theatre. After recess we worked on our Social Studies centers. 

Read for 20 minutes
Math pages 120-121 (Grade 3) and 148-149 (Grade 4)

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