Wednesday 11 January 2017

January 11, 2017

Dear parents,

Today we began our day with a recap of yesterday's lesson on the First Nations announcement and Residential schools. We reviewed what it was like to be in a Residential school and why we now have the announcement acknowledging whose territory we are on. We then also recapped our lesson on Determining Importance (see yesterday's blog post) and in Guided Reading we applied this concept to "Charlotte's Web." We continued with Read to Self while I did Guided Reading in small groups. After recess we went to the Gym to continue our hockey skills. We practiced stick handling and passing. Students are becoming quite good at this skill! We then went to French.

After lunch, we had a lesson in problem solving. We had to draw an organized list to help us with our math question. We then went on to Prodigy. At the end of the period we reconvened for the math congress and went through the answer together and how students solved it. After recess we worked on our Social Studies centers. Grade 3s worked on building and painting their log cabins while the Grade 4s continued with their catapult challenge measuring how far their object flew. Students also learned about the role of the Monk during Medieval times. We then finished our day with the book Shin-chi's Canoe, which is about Residential Schools. 

Read for 20 minutes
Quiz on Perimeter and Area (Friday)

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