Monday 31 October 2016

October 31st, 2016

Happy Halloween parents!

Today we did our Poem of the Week. We went over it together and then read it with a partner. We did our spelling pre-test with our partner and then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. After recess we had Gym. Today was the culmination of many Gym lessons on basketball skills -- we finally got to play a basketball game!! It was wonderful to watch their skill level at handling, dribbling and passing the basketball. We then had French. 

After lunch we watched a movie and partied!! After recess we worked on STEAM questions for an upcoming filming by CBC at Nelson Mandela Park PS. Please check your child`s bag for further details and a permission form. 

Read for 20 minutes
Timeline (due November 11)
STEAM Question and permission form (due WEDNESDAY)

Friday 28 October 2016

October 28, 2016

Good evening parents,

Today we had our Poem of the Week Spelling test. Results will be shared on Monday. We then did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading and then individual conferences with children. After recess we looked at an example of a timeline. The timeline was of Rosa Parks. We discussed what it looked like (date on time, brief but important information on the bottom, and relevant pictures). I then began my own timeline with my date of birth. Students were then given a timeline assignment (please check your child's bag) and we filled in the first event: their birth. This assignment is due on November 11th. Please go over it with your child this weekend. Thanks! 

After lunch we played Math games (chess) and finished up our pumpkin art in the style of Romero Britto. We worked on our Art Portfolios. The pumpkin art is displayed outside of the classroom near our Terry Fox timeline should you wish to see it. 

A selection of Room 201's pumpkin art...

After recess we then had a party for a student who is leaving our classroom. 

Read for 20 minutes
Battery Blitz (please bring in any used batteries lying around the house)
Timeline assignment

Wednesday 26 October 2016

October 26th, 2016

Good evening parents,

Today we practiced our Poem of the Week for fluency. We then went on to practice Read to Self while I conferenced with my Guided Reading groups. After recess we worked on a reflection of yesterday's Parang workshop. I asked students to practice their "hamburger paragraph" writing while they were writing their responses. We then did our Journals and then went to French.

After lunch, we did Math Problem Solving. This took students quite a while to figure out. We then worked on other work that wasn't finished (journal, pumpkin art) and Chess. After recess we did our work with Prodigy and continued finishing work that wasn't finished. 

Read for 20 minutes

Tuesday 25 October 2016

October 25, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we went over our Poem of the Week and looked at the "ight" ending. How many words can you make with that ending? We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with groups for Guided Reading. After recess, we finished Douglas Coupland's book, "Terry." Children will now be looking through the book to add more detail to our Terry Fox timeline. We then went to French.

After lunch we had a lesson on adding with regrouping (3 and 4 digit numbers for Grade 4, 2 and 3 digit numbers for Grade 3). We then went to a wonderful Parang workshop. 

"Students will learn about the parang music tradition from Trinidad. Parang is a term, which identifies a custom belonging to Trinidad’s Hispanic heritage. The word itself is neither Spanish nor English. It is the colloquial term for parran, the abbreviation of parranda, the Spanish word, which means a spree, or carousel, or a group of more than four people who go out at night singing with the accompaniment of musical instruments."

After recess we did a Pumpkin art in style of Romero Britto. Please see the following video for an example. We will continue this this week. 

Reading for 20 minutes
Grade 3 -- JUMP pages 52-54
Grade 4 -- JUMP pages 46-49

Monday 24 October 2016

October 24, 2016

Dear parents,

Today we worked on our Poem of the Week and did Read to Self while I conferenced with small groups of students. After recess we had Gym where we are learning basketball skills. We then went to French.

After lunch we had a lesson in math on regrouping (Grade 4) and adding and subtracting 10 and 100 to a number (Grade 3). We then had our Sharing Assembly after recess and finally ended our day with Daily Physical Activity outside. 

Reading for 20 minutes
Grade 4 -- JUMP 43-44
Grade 3 -- JUMP 49-51

Thank you!

Friday 21 October 2016

October 21, 2016

Hello parents!

We began our day with the Poem of the Week test. Please ask your child for the results as the test was handed back. We then did Read to Self and Listening to Reading while I conferenced with students. After recess, we recapped our lesson on Hamburger paragraphs and applied this to our Journal writing. We then went to French. 

After lunch we did a new Math Game Rotation which will now happen every Friday. We had four stations: Chess, iPad (Prodigy), Lego challenge with Ms. Jensen, and Score with Four (dice game). Please ask your child about these stations. After recess we went to the Library for Team Teaching with Ms. Rehder. We worked on our Habitat and Plant Expert projects while Ms. Rehder worked with one small group on "Worldvuze." Please ask your child about this. 

Read for 20 minutes
Enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday 20 October 2016

October 20, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week and looking at punctuation (commas, periods and exclamations). We then did Read to Self and Listen to Reading (ask your child about their Epic account and if it was their iPad day) while I conferenced with students. After recess we then read more about Terry with the fabulous book written by Douglas Coupland. In it, there are beautiful and rare images of Terry and his personal items. Please ask your child about the book and what they learned today. We then went to French. 

After recess, I started with Grade 3s and we went over a lesson on Greater than, Less than and Equal to. I sent them to do their work in JUMP while I met with the Grade 4s about yesterday's Problem Solving. We went over the answer together, clarified our understanding and I sent the Grade 4s to fix their errors. I then asked the Grade 3s to meet and we discussed our Problem Solving and we clarified our understanding. I then sent the Grade 3s to fix up their work. While students were working I worked with one group on the Garden Tower. We checked the pH of the water and discovered that it was 4.5. Our Garden Tower's pH must be between 5.5 and 6.5, so we added a pH+ solution and retested the water. We looked for signs of infestation and checked the base for an overgrowth of roots. The Garden Tower is looking great and our lettuce, etc is close to harvest!! After recess we had Library and then Gym. 

Read for 20 minutes


Hello parents,

Just a note about several upcoming Field Trips:

1) Regent Park Film Festival -- November 23rd (9 am to 11 am)
The whole class will be attending this series of short films as part of our Media Studies. 

"Through heroic journeys, altered realities and supernatural powers, these films help us challenge negative stereotypes about our identities, cultures and communities."

COST: Free

2) Science Centre -- November 30th (all day)
Workshop: Rocks and Minerals (10:45 am) and exploration of the Science Centre

COST: Free

***Parent volunteers needed!!!! Please email Ms. Jensen: if you can volunteer!

3) ROM -- in the New Year

October 19, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we focused on the POW to start our day. We spoke about sight words (commonly spelled words) and contractions (we're, don't, they're, you're). We then did Read to Self while I conferenced with students. After recess we had a lesson on a hamburger paragraph (introduction, body, conclusion). We then went to French.

After lunch we did Daily Physical Activity. We are using jump ropes in order to get our heart rate up. We then came inside and spent the rest of the afternoon on Math problem solving. We then had our Prodigy Math time. 

Read 20 minutes

Tuesday 18 October 2016

October 18, 2016

Hello parents!

I was at an Eco-Schools workshop this morning, so I cannot report what happened in the morning. Please ask your child -- I met the supply teacher and she was awesome!

After lunch we had a math lesson on regrouping (Grade 4) and Greater than and Less than (Grade 3). We then practiced this concept in our JUMP Math books. 
Comparing 3-Digit Numbers Anchor Chart:
An example of the anchor chart I began with the Grade 3s. 

After recess we looked at and drew a spider and then labelled the part of a spider. This relates to our work with "Charlotte's Web" and our unit of study in Science. 
Please try and label with your child to see if they remember the parts of a spider. 

After that we went outside for Daily Physical Activity. 

Read for 20 minutes
POW (please practice "Whisky Frisky")

Friday 14 October 2016

October 14, 2016

Hello parents,

Thanks to those who were able to make it out last night! I enjoyed meeting you!

Today we began our day with the Poem of the Week test. Results will be given Monday. We then had a lesson on "Listening to Reading." The Grade 3s had an opportunity to practice using "Epic" which is an online reading app. Please ask your child about this and the books that are available on this app. All other students were practicing Read to Self. After recess we continued with our Terry Fox research and added more information to our class timeline. Please ask your child about the Terry Fox fact they came up with. Students then went to French. 

After lunch we had a conversation about ability and determination. Please ask your child about the friend I went to lunch with who had a stroke in June. His story is very inspiring to me and I hope it was inspiring to your child too. We then worked on Khan Academy and reviewed concepts of Place Value. Students worked in groups on computers to do this. After recess we finished our Spider Web art.  

Read 20 minutes
Study for the Math test on Monday 
Grade 3 -- study pages 28 to 41 from JUMP Math
Grade 4 -- study pages 22-38 from JUMP Math

Thank you!

Wednesday 12 October 2016

October 12, 2016

Hello parents!

We had a busy day!

We began our day with Read to Self. I conferenced with students about the Setting and what that means in a story (where and when the story takes place). I worked in small groups through an activity around the setting of "Charlotte's Web." Students then completed a paragraph about the setting in the story. After recess, we worked on our Journals. I marked their journal writing and gave students descriptive feedback about how their individual writing could improve. Please talk to your child about this. We then went to French.

After lunch, students worked on quite a difficult problem. They had to use a t-chart in order to solve the problem. Again, we practiced: Read, Highlight, Plan, Solve. Students worked in pairs to solve the problem and we went over it as a class. After recess, we played Math games using the computers (Prodigy and CoolMathGames).

Read 20 minutes
Poem of the Week
Choir form
Math quiz FRIDAY

Tuesday 11 October 2016

October 11, 2016

Hello parents,

Today we began our day with the POW. 

We then moved on to Read to Self while I conferenced individually with students. After recess we worked on our Terry Fox timeline by reading a non-fiction book about him. We then had snack and read "Charlotte's Web." We talked about the setting in the book (which is the farm) and the era. We looked for text clues and decided that the era was the 1940s or 1950s. We then went to French. 

After lunch we had a Math lesson about counting on by 10s, 100s and 1000s. We talked about the tips and tricks of counting on, for instance in 10, 20, 30, 40, the first digit goes up by one. We then worked in our JUMP Math workbooks. After recess we worked on our Animal or Plant Expert project. 

Read for 20 minutes
Choir Form
Picture Day is Thursday
Meet the Teacher night and BBQ is Thursday night

Thursday 6 October 2016

October 10, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with our Poem of the Week test and then went straight into Read to Self. Please check your child's backpack for the marked test. We then had Gym and French.

After lunch, we debriefed how our class is going to be pairing every once in a while with Ms. Xavier's Junior Autism class. To pair with a class with students with exceptionalities is one of the ways to develop a greater sense of empathy and community building in our classroom. The students then went to Ms. Xavier's room and we worked on a tally and graphing activity together. 

Favourite type of apple graphing activity. 

After recess we learned how to create a spider web. Our end result will eventually look something like this:

Example of the art we began in class. 

- read for 20 minutes
- No school Friday or Monday  
Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday 5 October 2016

October 5, 2016

Hi parents!

Congratulations to all students who participated in today's Cross Country run!

We began our day with Read to Self while I did Guided Reading with groups of students. Again, please refer to yesterday's blog about what we did (non-fiction text features, summarizing text information using a sticky note). We then read "Charlotte's Web" while we had our snack. 

After recess we had a lesson on what a timeline looks like. So far, we have two dates on our Terry Fox timeline: his birth (1958) and his death (1981). I talked to students about how a timeline is generally read (from left to right) and how a timeline is divided up. We talked about where half of Terry's life would be located in the timeline. Where would 1/4 of Terry's life be located? 3/4? Tomorrow we will add facts to our timeline using jot notes from the story we are reading together. We then went to French.

Our blank Terry Fox timeline

After lunch, we did our Math Problem Solving (this occurs every Wednesday). We talked about our steps to problem solving: read, highlight, plan, solve. We then solved the problem and students checked in with me when they were done. Students then played Prodigy. 

Today's problem... Not sure why it is sideways!!

After recess we went down to the library for Team Teaching time with Ms. Jean. We worked using PebbleGo to come up with notes about our chosen plant or animal. Usernames and passwords are on the LearnMark provided in the first few weeks in school. 

It was a busy day of learning!!!

- Read for 20 minutes
- POW (due tomorrow)
- Choir form

Tuesday 4 October 2016

October 4th, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day by reviewing what we learned yesterday regarding Non-Fiction and Fiction text features (see yesterday's post). We then did Read to Self while I did Guided Reading groups with a Non-Fiction text related to plants and animals. Individually, I coached children how to read a Non-Fiction text and they were tasked with pulling out one or two important details and writing it down on a sticky note. For an idea of what Guided Reading is, please refer to the following video: Grade 3 and Grade 4. Guided Reading is an important part of the Language Block and is a means to conference individually and focus on key reading concepts to push your child further along the reading continuum. We then read "Charlotte's Web" and ate snack. After recess, we continued further with our research on Terry Fox. We continued reading a story and students were tasked with writing an important fact from the book on a sticky note. We compiled the facts on chart paper and will be reviewing them tomorrow. 

Guided Reading book and jot note
Terry Fox facts for our timeline

We also talked about how this book is historical fiction based on the way it was written (so it lives in the fiction and non-fiction world). Eventually, we will be putting together a timeline of his life. Students will then complete their own timeline (more on this later on in the month!!). We then went to French. One student made a connection to the "Draw My Life" series on Youtube which you may want to see with your child. 

After lunch we had a lesson on adding 10, 100 and 1000 more to a number for Grade 4s. I passed a ball to each student and gave them a number and asked them to add 10, 100 or 1000. We also talked about how to look at the place value and then just adding one to that number. With the Grade 3s, we looked at what "more" and "less" meant. I then passed a ball to a child and gave that child a number and said "2 more than 20" or "2 less than 30." We discussed how to write number from 20 to 99 (with the -ty suffix) and then how to write numbers from 100 and up. Please see the worksheets attached for extra practice here. After recess we had Library and then Gym. 

- Read for 20 minutes
- POW (Due Thursday as it is a short week)
- Grade 3: page 38 in JUMP Math
- Grade 4: page 36 in JUMP Math

Monday 3 October 2016

October 3, 2016

Hello parents!

Today we began our day with reciting the Poem of the Week entitled, "Autumn Wind." We did our spelling pre-test. Please read this over tonight with your child. I also handed back Friday's POW with their mark. Please ask your child about this. We then worked on Fiction VS Non-Fiction. There were several characteristics on index cards and students had to sort them under the Fiction or Non-Fiction category. They also had to justify why they thought that characteristic went under that category. We came up with the following:

After recess we did Read to Self while I conferenced with students individually about their writing as well as the characteristics of Non-Fiction texts in Guided Reading Groups. In Grade 3 and 4 my expectation for writing is as follows:

* I will write in full sentences
* I will use a capital at the beginning of my sentence and a period or punctuation at the end
* I will capitalize proper nouns
* I will write a paragraph consisting of 4 to 5 sentences
* I will write neatly and space my work so that it is legible
* I will underline any words that I do not know how to spell and will use a dictionary to help me spell those words after I have finished writing

We then went to French.

After lunch, I had a math lesson. For Grade 4s we learned about looking at differences between numbers and what place value the number was in. For instance, with the numbers 5678 and 5578, what number is different? What place value is it? How much is the difference between them? The answer is 100. For Grade 3s, we learned about "teen" numbers and what teen represents. I asked them what other word "teen" might look like (the word ten). Therefore the number 13 is really ten + 3. I then spoke about how the Japanese number system words. Please ask your child about this.

We then learned about the Steps to Research and how to write jot notes using the Plant Expert or Animal Expert outline I gave them. Students then worked on writing notes under each heading.

Reading for 20 minutes
Grade 4 -- page 34 JUMP
Grade 3 -- page 35-37 JUMP